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Product Description

Class 3 Mathematics

As the students grow and they get promoted in the new class, they need constructive and engaging study materials so that they can accelerate their expertise on different topics. CBSE class 3 syllabus is well-prepared and valuable as it includes all suitable topics, along with a good number of examples. To learn these topics precisely, students must practice suitable exercises. However, SK Education’s CBSE class 3 Maths & EVS Combo Study Tool is an excellent learning aid that not only inculcates knowledge, but also hones each student’s skills as well as mastery. In brief, this Study Tool imparts knowledge and also allows students to solve interactive activities that make them ready for the next level of studies.
Mathematics is an intriguing subject and it demands constant practice and this Study Tool helps students in reviewing each concept before the exam. A couple of engaging activities as well as exercises are incorporated in this Study Tool so as to offer a suitable revision process to the students. Here, the sample videos are also available for the convenience of the students as well as parents.

Class 3 Environmental Science

Environmental Science is an interesting subject as it includes the facts of many natural occurrences. It makes students aware about the original reasons of many common things. However, it incorporates a vast range of topics starting from living and non-living things to housing and clothing. However, CBSE class 3 syllabus is well-formed and based on this course structure, Study Tool prepares a combo Study Tool that eases the entire learning method and makes study time valuable. With this learning help, students get space to learn each Environmental Science topic at their own speed and make learning worthwhile.

However, SK Education’s CBSE class 3 Environmental Science Study Tool includes all essential topics, along with the pertinent examples and hence, it is a one stop solution for the class 3 students. This Study Tool arranges all topics in an engaging manner so that students feel interested to learn one after another without having an additional pressure.

List of chapters included in our product:


  • Addition and subtraction
  • Calendar
  • Data Handling
  • Division
  • Measurement Length
  • Measurement of capacity
  • Measurement of mass
  • Multiplication
  • Number facts
  • Patterns
  • Time
  • Geometry
  • Mental Arithmetic
  • Money


  • Animal’s life
  • Earth and sky
  • Food and health
  • Living and Non-living things
  • Locating a place
  • Means of communication
  • Plant life
  • Rocks, Soil and minerals
  • Water
  • Air
  • Good habits
  • Housing
  • Human body
  • Means of transport
  • My family and neighbourhood
  • Our Festivals
  • Our surroundings
  • Safety and First aid
  • Story of wheels
  • Weather

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Title CBSE Class 3 Mathematics
Quantity avaiable 31
Price  2,000.00 3,500.00
